Having a low sex drive/no libido is a common problem that affects plenty of women at some point of their lives. The cause of low sex drive in females varies, but common causes are relationship issues such as lack of communication and trust, stress, tiredness, and underlying medical problems.
The good news is that there are plenty of treatment options for women with low libidos. Medication for low sex drive in females is only one option. Remember, sexual chemistry is about more than just you and your partner. It’s also about your relationship with yourself and your brain. It goes much further than not wanting to have sex.
What Causes a Low Sex Drive?
There are several potential causes for low female sex drive in 20s and beyond. Here are the most common causes:
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)
While there’s nothing wrong with fluctuating libido levels, if your low sex drive persists for months at a time you could be suffering from Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). The condition is defined as an absence of sexual thoughts and fantasies and a lack of desire in sexual activity that causes distress or relationship difficulties.
Brain scans in women show the condition is caused by a lack of brain activity in areas that are important for sexual response in women. This makes the condition a chemical imbalance that can be treated with medication for low sex drive in women.
Interpersonal Relationship Problems
Start by looking at your relationship, as this could be the cause. Several relationship problems affect sex drive, such as problems with your partner performing, a lack of emotional satisfaction in a relationship, becoming overfamiliar with your partner, unresolved conflict, trust issues, or other problems. Consider relationship counseling to bring these problems to light and move past them.
Stress and anxiety have a drastic impact on your happiness, including sexual drive. If you are constantly anxious, tired, or stressed, then you should consider making some lifestyle changes. You can also talk to your doctor for further advice and support.
Medical Problems
Medical issues like thyroid disorders and fibroids, along with mental illnesses such as depression, can affect your sex drive. Antidepressants are another cause of low female sex drive in 20s and 30s. Medications that affect blood flow or affect hormone levels are common causes. Consider talking to your doctor if you feel a medical condition – or the medication for it – is affecting your sex drive.
Aging and Menopause
Losing your libido is not necessarily an inevitable part of aging, but it’s still something many women struggle with as they get older and go through menopause. There are several reasons for this, such as reduced hormone levels, age-related health problems, and mobility problems.
It’s common for women to lose interest in sex during pregnancy and after giving birth. It’s caused by fluctuating hormone levels, problems with body image, and changed priorities. Expectant and new mothers are more concerned with caring for their baby than having sex – and there’s nothing wrong with that. These problems should go away over time but are worth monitoring if they don’t.
Underlying Health Conditions
Any long-term health problem could be what causes low sex drive in young females. The problem could be caused by the emotional and physical strain caused by that condition or it might be a side effect of treatment. Low sex drive is associated with diabetes, heart disease, and hyperthyroidism among others.
Alcohol and Drugs
Drinking too much or using drugs affects sex life. Avoid excessive drinking and drugs to keep your body healthy, including having a healthy sex drive.
How to Treat Low Sex Drive in Females
Given that a low sex drive can be caused by a combination of physical, emotional, and psychological factors, treating low sex typically requires a combination approach. Doctors must first determine the underlying cause. Potential treatment options for low female sex drive include:
Sex Therapy and Relationship Counseling
Therapy may involve the partner, or it can be done alone. Therapy addresses the mental health and relationship issues that are getting in the way. Sexual dysfunction typically affects everyone involved in the relationship so they should be discussed with a mental health professional.
Changing Medication
Women should consider changing their medication if the problem is caused by something they are taking. This also applies to oral contraceptives and other things that affect hormone levels. Doctors can prescribe nonhormonal birth control if necessary.
Addressing Underlying Conditions
The underlying medical problems could require medication or surgical treatment, such as removing fibroids.
Testosterone Therapy
While the FDA has yet to approve any drug or hormone for treating female sexual dysfunction, many gynecologists recommend testosterone therapy to restore healthy testosterone levels and boost sex drive post menopause.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Bioidentical hormones get their name from being chemically and molecularly identical to hormones naturally produced by the body. These hormones come from plants and are a perfect way to restore and optimize hormone balance. They give women the chance to address a low sex drive and other sexual health issues for better quality of life.
CBD oil helps treat plenty of different symptoms, including hormone imbalances. Pre-and-post-menopausal women have reported positive benefits from using CBD oil. CBD helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow when applied directly as a topical solution. CBD supposedly increases pleasure, decreases inflammation, and decreases pain, making it a popular choice in the bedroom.
Doctors estimate roughly 1 in 10 women have HSDD, making it the most common female sexual dysfunction. Additionally, there are other causes for low libido in women. While low libido can have a negative impact on your life and relationship, there’s no need to live with it. Consult your physician about your libido problems and get their advice.
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