TCM has been used for literally thousands of years with remarkable success in certain areas. Despite using antiquated terms, the system of diagnosis and treatment is well-paired and remarkably accurate. Diagnosis relies upon the practitioner’s sensitivity and powers of observation and known associations that have been and still are used in Western medicine but are often currently supplanted by technology. Acupuncture for pain and musculoskeletal disorders can be useful adjuncts to rehabilitation.
Whether it be a matter of “energy alignment” or simply release of endorphins (endogenous pain relieving chemicals), the insertion of very fine needles into various tissues has been shown in peer-reviewed research to improve outcomes in the treatment of musculoskeletal injury and pain. Herbal combinations that have documented success both clinically and in foreign medical literature occasionally have better efficacy and are safer than Western medical alternatives, and, often times, combination therapies (Western and TCM) provide the best resolution of symptoms. Often, TCM herbal therapies are better than Western medical treatments for treating chronic ailments such as mild asthma and allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), fatigue, and symptoms of menopause; sparing Western medical treatments that have stronger side effects for the more acute phases of these and other ailments and Emergency Medicine.